WWII Propack


Roads WWII Propack


What do you get when you blend SantasHeads WWII plugin with the new 1.4 and 1.5 features?
All units can pick up, use and drop any other units weapons and tanks.
Burning death and dripping blood.
Taunt is a cartoon bubble of a cry for medic.
Units can scroll through up to 9 weapons.
Blasts from exploding weapons will repel units.
Basically what you get is alot of fun and new ways to play an old plugin. WWII propack contains all of the WWII stuff and more but is about 50% smaller than the original plugin. So if you get tired of shooting that normal rifle go ahead and pick up a few other weapons or grab a tank.
For those of you that didnt know you can press "I" to scroll through inventory or "Shift+I" to drop an object.


The Lates Beta can Usually be found here at Udogs.


pro1 pro2 pro3
pro4 pro5 pro6